Europe and the Empire
I am a European. This may sound rather strange, given that I was born in New York, have lived most of my life in Los Angeles, and will be buried in my family plot in Massachusetts. The first Coulombes to...
Like all this contemplative's writings, the collection of meditations gathered here was never intended as a book. They began life as short meditations, only written down because he found it helpful to commit his thoughts to paper while they were fresh in his mind. The sermons which follow, although delivered as such to the lay-brothers of the Grande Chartreuse, were really meditations made aloud. Those who assisted at these never forgot them, not so much for what they said but for what they r...
View full detailsCome Follow Me is a series of exegetical reflections based on the assigned Gospel reading for the Sundays of a liturgical year. Each reflection contains insights that are explained and applied to the lived experience of a Christian disciple. Each insight section concludes with a set of questions intended to help the reader apply the various points to their practical faith lives. The primary focus of this writing is to facilitate both personal discipleship study of the Gospels as well as to pr...
View full detailsA popular myth put about by secularists is that between the Church and science, the relationship has been, and continues to be, a stormy one. Nothing could in fact be further from the truth. An analysis of historical data shows that modern science developed in the medieval period against a background of Christian faith in the creation. Pope Sylvester II was a brilliant mathematician whose discoveries led to the number system we use today. Pope Innocent III founded a hospital in Rome which was...
View full detailsDuring the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I it was high treason, and therefore death, to be a Catholic priest in England. It was consequently vital that there be somewhere to hide when the pursuivants came battering at the door. One name is prominent in the construction of priest-holes ‒ that of Nicholas Owen. A very short and later crippled man, he built the majority of these shelters, so saving the lives of untold numbers of priests and fugitives. His early apprenticeship as a joiner and h...
View full detailsMONASTIC TRADITION invites newcomers to grow in their search for God through prayerful reading of three books: the book of nature, the book of the Scriptures and the book of one's own life. In these meditative poems, Sr Laurentia draws on thirty years of monastic life to integrate the three 'books', creating harmonies which can resonate with the experience of people today. Beginning with Advent, the poems unfold through the seasons, natural and liturgical. Pivotal is the central sequence, 'Ca...
View full detailsCarthusian spirituality and wisdom have a great attraction for our age. The goal of Carthusian life is union with God in Love. A union as profound and continual as is possible in this life. It has its source in God who is the first to call us to intimacy with Him. The Carthusian's life, the Carthusian's love, is a response to that Love - cultivating solitude, silence, poverty, chastity, obedience, fraternal charity, spiritual reading, study, work and, above all, prayer. Prayer of adoration, p...
View full detailsThe biblical primal history, Genesis 1-11, from the Fall in Paradise to the Tower of Babel, describes a dynamics of evil that seems to correspond to modern experience. Yet original sin is now a problematic notion for many - in the 'dogma' of modernity, nature and freedom are separated. Raymund Schwager explores how, if approached in an interdisciplinary way, and understood at the profound levels of human experience and thought that they represent, evolutionary theory and the doctrine of origi...
View full detailsA collection of key texts from early Carthusian writing in the IIth and 12th Centuries. St Bruno: Letter to his Carthusian sons at the Chartreuse, The Letter to Raoul le Verd, Profession of Faith. Bl. Guigo, fifth prior of the Grande Chartreuse: Letter on the solitary life. Guigo II, ninth prior of the Grande Chartreuse: The scale of the cloister. Other books of classic Carthusian spirituality published by Gracewing include The Call of Silent Love, Interior Prayer, The Prayer of Love and Sile...
View full detailsSt Bruno was born in Cologne around 1030. He studied at the university in Rheims, where he later taught, and was Rector of Studies for nearly twenty years. Chosen in 1080 as the new Archbishop, Bruno had other plans ̶ he had decided to follow Christ to the desert ̶ and with six of his companions settled in a mountainous and uninhabited spot in the lower Alps, in a place named Chartreuse, under the guidance of the young bishop of Grenoble, Hugh Châteauneuf. They built an oratory with small ind...
View full detailsMystery of the Church presents a global picture of the main themes of current ecclesiology. First, it deals with the institution of the Church and her essential nature. Subsequently the four hallmarks of the Church are described. Her unity and holiness are guaranteed by the sanctity of Christ her Head despite the sinfulness of her members. The catholicity of the Church is also examined from the perspective of Eastern Christendom. The apostolicity of the Church leads to a description of the Pe...
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This prayerbook is designated for use by the laity in waging spiritual warfare from the public domain and the Church's treasury. A great many of the prayers in this book are sadly nowhere else to be found, not even in the depths of the internet. In addition to prayers of deliverance, there are also sections on prayers of devotion, and prayers of healing, which both contain some incredibly powerful prayers for bringing down abundant graces from God. Deliverance Prayers - For Use by the Laity i...
View full detailsSt. Alphonsus Liguori and other saints have always held that each priest is required to do exorcisms and deliverance depending on his state in life. This does not necessarily mean that he will do solemn exorcisms as directed by his bishop but it does mean that, as the saint says, in every parish and diocese there are people who are under attack from the fallen angels who need the assistance of the priest to whom their care and protection has been entrusted. In His wisdom, Christ, in conferrin...
View full detailsThis small prayerbook is a manual that contains the prayers which are to be said everyday for those who are members of the Auxilium Christianorum, which is an association that any diligent and faithful Catholic can join. See the requirements below. This prayers of this book can also be found in the fourth section of Fr. Ripperger's Deliverance Prayers prayerbook. The Church teaches us that it is divided into the Church Triumphant (which includes the members of the Church in heaven), the Chur...
View full detailsIn The Binding Force of Tradition, Fr. Ripperger provides a study of the object and nature of Sacred Tradition and the moral requirement of Catholics to accept the Sacred tradition. Sacred tradition and the Magisterium are surprisingly complex albeit important topics, especially when dealing with the sensus fidelium and the ordinary Magisterium. Fr. Ripperger answers several vital questions including: "Since normally the rule of faith is the teaching of tradition and Scripture as taught by t...
View full detailsIn Magisterial Authority, Fr. Ripperger answers many common questions that the faithful might have, including: When is the pope infallible? What are the criteria for papal infallibility and how do we determine if a papal pronouncement meets those criteria? What does the Church have to do to finally get on the right track? What were some popes who committed error while being pope? Does papal infallibility apply to the canonization of saints? When are bishops infallible? How does all of this a...
View full detailsA Catholic Perspective on American History History is the key to understanding men-whether as nations, families, or individuals. For Catholics, history has an even higher purpose beside. For them, history is the unfolding of God's Will in time, and the attempts of men either to conform themselves to or to resist that Will. But American Catholic historians have generally refrained from exploring their own national history with these principles, preferring instead to adopt the analysis of their...
View full detailsFor 240 years, most Americans have identified our country with its government as the embodiment of “Freedom” and the nation itself. Take away the Constitution, Congress, and presidential elections, and not only liberty but the United States themselves would vanish. Or would they? We have a government that imposes social change from above at breakneck speed, while each presidential election seems to offer even more pathetic choices than the one before. Many are scratching their heads and wonde...
View full detailsMost books about the Popes have either tried to whitewash every sin any Pope has committed, or else have made them all out to be all out to be anti-Christs. On this emotional topic, writers seem to have left very little middle ground. But the truth is that there have obviously been good and obviously evil Popes, controversial Popes and forgotten Popes. In this book, they will all have their day in court. One by one, each Pope will be profiled, and their rich history, with all its pageantry, i...
View full detailsA Holy Emperor and His Legacy October 3, 2004 saw what appeared to many to be a very strange thing: Emperor-King Charles of Austria-Hungary, last Habsburg to rule in Central Europe and wartime foe of the United States, was raised to the altars of the Church as a Blessed by St. John Paul II. But odd as this appeared, the real story of the “Peace Emperor” and his just as remarkable wife reads like a combination of a suspense thriller, Greek tragedy, and hagiography. The inheritor of a tradition...
View full detailsThis is the book that put Charles Coulombe on the map, as a force to be reckoned with! It is comprised of three sections. The first and largest section outlines the history of world events which have shaped our world and have ultimately led to the current crisis in the Church. The second part discusses changes in the approach to the Mass, the Sacraments, and Christian life as a whole. Mr. Coulombe closes the book by explaining how a person can safeguard the integrity of his faith amidst all t...
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I am a European. This may sound rather strange, given that I was born in New York, have lived most of my life in Los Angeles, and will be buried in my family plot in Massachusetts. The first Coulombes to...