Meditations for Lent
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Even four hundred years ago, believers found it difficult to sustain for forty days the proper Lenten spirit. That's why even then, countless Christians turned to the writings of Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet (1627-1704), whose great piety and simple eloquence won him renown as the greatest preacher of his time. From Bishop Bossuet's sermons and writings, believers drew ever greater Lenten wisdom and strength.
Now translator Christopher Blum has selected from Bishop Bossuet's voluminous works forty brief but remarkably powerful meditations, arranged them according to the events reported in the Gospels, and lovingly translated each one for us.
If you read and meditate briefly on just one of them each day in Lent, I guarantee that this good French bishop's eloquence will soon have you not merely remembering the events of Christ's journey to His Crucifixion; it will have you spiritually walking with Him on that journey . . . which is precisely what we are called to do in Lent!
With Bossuet, this Lent you will find yourself saying, "O Jesus! I present myself to you to make my journey in your company. O my Savior, receive your traveler! Here I am ready, holding on to nothing. Let me go with You to the Father."
That's the fire that should burn in the heart of all Christians. This Lent, let Bishop Bossuet enkindle it in yours.
First time ever in English
By Jacques Benigne Bossuet "The greatest orator who ever appeared in the Christian pulpit."