Angels and Saints
Publication Date: May 27, 2014
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 208
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"As an author, Scott Hahn is the master of two very different skills: expert scholarship and an easy, engaging style. This book is the proof. These pages are a wonderful explanation of what Catholics believe about angels and saints, and why—made even more absorbing by Hahn’s vivid portraits of individual women and men whom the Church now calls saints."
—Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia
"The Christian spiritual life is not an endeavor marked by isolation, but is an invitation to a relationship situated within a great communion of saints and angels, all of whom support and sustain us in our relationship with God in Christ. In this regard, Dr. Scott Hahn has created not only a brilliant introduction but a masterful treatise on how the Church understands the angels and the saints as our friends and as God-given routes of access to life in Christ."
—Very Reverend Robert Barron, Rector, Mundelein Seminary, and Founder, Word on Fire Catholic Ministries
"Why are there angels everywhere in the Bible? Are they real? And why do Christians pay so much attention to the saints? Who are they, and do they really matter? In this fascinating new book, Scott Hahn takes you on a biblical tour of the holy citizens of heaven and earth, showing that it’s true—we are not alone. If you’ve ever wondered what Scripture really says about the angels and saints in heaven and on earth, then this book is for you."
—Brant Pitre, author of Jesus the Bridegroom