The Thought of the Cure D'Ars is a collection of sayings, statements, and preaching's of the Cure D'Ars, St. John Vianney. Each page is filled with remarkable passages that have been uttered or attributed to the saint and do in fact highlight aspects of Catholic life that will help fortify our souls. Now while these passages are from a handful of sermons, teachings, and documents from the saint, there do appear main themes across this little booklets 70+ pages. These themes are about Communion, Prayer, Christ's Sacrifice, God's love, following the Saints and entrusting our lives to God. These are such powerful statements that I could feel the Saint's words pierce my heart and soul with such fervor that it was as if the saint was speaking to me directly. Truly, a powerful tool to give to those who want to know Christ but for whatever reason has trouble doing so. Another book that will get you closer to God and to better live the faith. 5 stars and a great read for all ages. Quick note, it is quite truthful and so bear that in mind.