Since those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it, it is good t o be reminded of how diabolic freemasonry is. Freemasonry spawned the French revolution, these Cristeros wars (as well brought out in the book) and communism /Marxism. All have resulted in millions of brutal deaths. With their satanic hatred for God and His Church, the Catholic Church is targeted for attack and martyred. Could this happen again? Given today's' far left Marxist/socialists anti-God and amoralist sentiments, such people promoting what is evil and calling it good, if these people get into power the Catholic Church will once again be under siege. The priest abuse scandal could well be the catalyst to declare the Church a foreign criminal enterprise and shut it down. May we be like St Miguel Pro with arms stretched out with in one hand the rosary and the other the cross. The book brings out that the Cristeros seemed to have political aims as well as religious which may be what caused their cause to sputter. May we stand for God Who is all Truth and Goodness, Mercy and Justice.