The groundbreaking work, "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism", by Herr Max Weber, the "Father of Sociology" explores the cultural, political, and the main crux of the argument, spiritual causes for the rise and dominance of western capitalism. Weber explores different religions and their effects on the human psyche to try and piece together capitalism and its correlation to Protestantism. Originally a scientific article, this book is an expansion on Weber's work and is translated as faithfully as possible from Weber's German. This book explores terminology, historicity, social and religious interactions, and a myriad of other issues to more accurately pinpoint capitalisms dominance and its origin. A well-written piece of literature that deserves multiple re-reads as it is dense with knowledge and is a fascinating take on the idea that spiritual beliefs can lead to temporal actions. I give 5/5 stars although be warned it is quite the hefty reading. Appropriate for adults 20+.