I immediately ordered “The Darkness Did Not“ when I finished “The Endless Knot.” It did not disappoint. It is one of those books where, when you have to put it down because your husband is starving and you’re already an hour behind on getting supper started, you slide in your bookmark and look to see how much is left, hoping there’s a lot left! The story is unique-it is unlike any other murder mystery-bringing in elements of the One, True Faith that we are starved for today in our sterile, scientific, “enlightened” times and in our protestantized NO liturgies. As an adult convert, the hints concerning the richness of our Faith make me want to search for those pearls of great price. Father Baptist returns in his fearless living out of the True Faith, along with Martin Feeney, Millie, the Tumblars, Taper, Wickes, and Billowack. And protection for Martin from a soul in purgatory. Along with clerics in high places who lack supernatural faith who are obviously with us today. AND vampires.