A Journey to Mount Carmel
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A Nine-Day Preparation for Investiture in the Brown Scapular of Our Lady
The Brown Scapular holds a special place in the devotional life of the faithful. It is neither jewelry, a sentimental religious article, nor a vain token of superstition. Rather, it is a silent prayer, a gift from our Heavenly Mother that draws us to the Sacred Heart of her Divine Son.
A simple pairing of two pieces of cloth with ribbon, wearing the scapular is a declaration that you have put on Christ and are seeking to follow His way in imitation of Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Although there is no formal preparation for investiture in the Brown Scapular, Fr. Jeffrey Kirby has collected in these pages the Church's best writings on the subject to prepare you for receiving the scapular and incorporating it into your daily faith practice. Because Baptism is foundational to your consecration and commitment to Jesus Christ, Fr. Kirby centers the reflections in this book on the six baptismal promises in order to heighten and intensify your living out of the baptismal way of life.
A Journey to Mount Carmel will ground you in the spiritual significance of the scapular as a powerful sacramental that draws us closer to the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist. Fr. Kirby explains Our Lady's pivotal role in our salvation from the protoevangelium ("first gospel") in Genesis to the Paschal mystery in the Gospels, and he reveals the depths of God the Father's healing love for you and the maternal intercession of Mary in your life. From there you will grasp the protection and blessing Our Blessed Mother offers through the scapular.
Each chapter comprises three parts: preparation, with opening prayers and goals; teachings, which include a compelling real-world story with catechesis and reflection questions; and spiritual exercises, which include a brief reflection about a saint, a guided Lectio Divina meditation, a Rosary meditation, an examination of conscience, and more!
As Fr. Kirby breaks open wisdom from the Bible, Tradition, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, you will learn: