Manual for Eucharistic Adoration
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"I put before you the one great thing to love on earth: the Blessed Sacrament." --J.R.R. Tolkien
Eucharistic adoration according to Fr. Frederick Faber is "the queen of all devotions." Pope St. Pius X taught that it was the devotion "most profitable for our salvation." And St. Gemma Galgani treasured it as "the school of Paradise where one learns how to love."
So many popes and saints exhort us to spend time with our Eucharistic Lord. And the Manual for Eucharistic Adoration will enrich your hours with Him.
Part One, "Preparing for Eucharistic Adoration," answers these questions:
Part Two, "Aids in Eucharistic Adoration," provides these essential resources:
Mother Teresa once said: "The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth." Take this great saint's words to heart. Then take the Manual for Eucharistic Adoration when you go to meet Him, and keep it with you Spiritual Communions and other moments of spontaneous adoration throughout the day.
This beautiful Premium UltraSoft gift edition features sewn binding, ribbon marker and gold edges.
“Our Lord is not in the Blessed Sacrament as dead or asleep, not simply there to receive your love and adoration. But just as the most blessed Virgin had her divine Son’s life, and His holy examples, and words, and actions before her eyes, even so we have her Son’s life and example going on before our eyes, in all their stages, which we can study to our immense profit and advancement in grace. The life of our dear Lord in the sacred Host is most active. He remains still in the tabernacle, it is true, but graces are flying forth from His Heart in inconceivable abundance.”
“When we deepen our personal relationship with Jesus by spending time with Him in this way, we will become more like Him, just as old friends or a long-married couple grow more and more similar. We become more aware of the obstacles of sin in our life that stand between us and Our Lord. We develop a stronger desire to make habits of virtue and self-sacrifice in imitation of Him."
"Being with the One who, out of infinite love, waits for us in the Blessed Sacrament, we will grow in peace amid the sufferings and trials of this life. We will find rest in the knowledge of His love for us, which is beyond our wildest hopes and dreams. When we truly know that we are loved, we can endure much and accomplish many things in the Kingdom."
"Spending time with Jesus in His Sacrament of love will also fill our hearts with abiding joy and bless our days, our jobs, our families, our lives with His protection and grace. Each hour that we give to Our Lord bears fruit a hundredfold in this life and in the next. As we participate even now in the “work” of eternity---adoring and praising with hymns of thanksgiving Our Creator and Savior---our souls become more brilliant and beautiful as we are penetrated with His grace and love.”
“The most powerful thing we can do on this earth with our time is to spend it in Eucharistic adoration. Nothing can do more to change the world, to bring about peace, to convert hearts, to make reparation for the many evils committed.”
"In our self-centered culture and classic American emphasis on work, we often feel we have to accomplish something during our times of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. We rate our experience by how “good” our prayer was, how heartfelt our devotion was, or how focused we could remain. Yet prayer and contemplation are fundamentally God’s work, in which we are invited to participate.
"When it is hard to pray, we have the gift of showing our love through self-sacrifice. We will be surprised at the fruits that will come from this prayer of patient, persevering love."